Stock:             9mm Pistol   .375 Magnum   MP7 SMG   AR2 Pulse Rifle   Shotgun (Max Single)   Shotgun (Max Double)
Head   24   225   15   33   135   216
Body & Arms   8   75   5   11   63   108
Legs   8   75   5   11   63   108
Rebalanced:   9mm Pistol   .375 Magnum   MP7 SMG   AR2 Pulse Rifle   Shotgun (Max Single)   Shotgun (Max Double)
Head   24   150 (-33%)   14 (-7%)   30 (-9%)   110 (-19%)   180 (-17%)
Body & Arms   12 (+50%)   75   7 (+40%)   15 (+36%)   70 (+11%)   120 (+11%)
Legs   9 (+12%)   56 (-25%)   5   11   60 (-5%)   105 (-3%)

But why though?

To give a more consistent damage output for all aim skill levels as well as bringing more viability to auto/semi-auto firearms.

Other notable changes: